Thursday, December 9, 2010

Quote of the Day

As I look back at the article, now that it has been copy edited to run in the Collegian, I realize that I still could have added more. I had many more interviews that I didn't even include in the sidebar or main article. As I was writing they just didn't seem to fit anywhere relevant. I could have included more voices in last part about the pros and cons to the alternate certification but I felt like what I had represented it well and didn't drag on.

My interviews really were the meat to the story, even though Doc said don't base it off your interviews, I really think that they added the opposing opinions in a well rounded manner. Two of the people added more of the information but the rest were about views on the certification and if it is ethical to hire teachers who maybe aren't qualified. I have written papers before when it was really hard to not interject my opinion on the matter but I really felt like the quotes I added covered everything and at the end of it my opinion had changed some.
My favorite quote and it was said by two different people who teach in two very different settings was "when you help a kid, it feels great." So I feel like that is what matters in teaching and no matter how they are certified, if they are helping students and the students are learning the material then they are good teachers.

Here are some of my pictures of teachers in the classroom.
This is Jason Kazar who has an alternate certification and teaches algebra at Manhattan High.

Brendan Praeger has a bachelor's in education from K-State and teaches journalism at Manhattan High.

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