Monday, December 13, 2010


My article printed in Friday's edition of the Collegian. Today I added a clarification to the article on the Collegian's website. I discussed doing this with the editor-in-chief, Jason Miller, because what I originally printed was not wrong. What I printed was what my source, Jason Kazar, said but Friday Kazar emailed me saying that he felt misrepresented by the quote I used. I wrote what I had written in my notes and it was what he said. He meant it in a different context and with what we were discussing at the time I can see the difference but I do not feel that I was wrong. I did correct the story because I felt like the correction fit better and it was what he meant. I did not change any of his wording I just clarified the difference between the two jobs he was talking about.

Jason Miller received the email from Kazar as well and sent me an email saying "Welcome to the print world.  People see what they said typed up and it feels completely out of context and ridiculous." People say things without realizing it until they see it printed.

I agree with this. I think that people who do not wish to have their names attached to something they say or have their photo taken because they do not want to be associated with an event is just childish. Take responsibility for yourself and if you have an opinion about something, own up to it. I've had many times when taking pictures and I'll ask for someone's name and they say "oh I don't want my picture taken" or "I don't want to be in the newspaper" and I think to myself why is that? I can understand if you just don't like to have your picture taken or feel like you do not look good that day but at the same time, you went to an event in public and knew that people would see you.

As for the quote, I corrected it because I do know, in context to the rest of the conversation, what he meant to say and what context it should be in, but at the same time it is what he said. I did add the clarification to the newspaper and I plan on adding it to my final draft of my story.

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