Thursday, December 16, 2010


I am done with my project! I still need to post everything. I've been so busy with other finals that I have not had a chance to round everything up and post it to the wiki. It feels good to have this project done. I enjoyed this semester and my classes but I'm very happy to be done.

I find myself using some of the tips we learned in CAR class everyday when I'm using the internet. When I need to look up something I don't just go straight to google and go with the website that looks good. I plan to continue using the ideas and tricks learned in this class in the future for research. I also considered writing for the Collegian but thought better of it because I'm not sure I'll have time next semester. But who knows?!

I want to use my final blog post for this class to say thank you to Doc for sticking with us and helping us all out with our projects and pushing us to do great.

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