Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Is alternative certification good or bad?

Now that I'm done with the article I think my opinion has changed. When I first started this project, I researched a couple of things before finding alternative certification. When I first read about the "emergency certification" in Maryland, I couldn't believe we had teachers in the U.S. who weren't certified through a college education program.

After talking with people who have gone through the licensing process and Debbie Mercer who helped the state set the regulations to the process, I think that Kansas at least has a great program. Although there are still teachers who maybe should not be teachers in the school system still, and I realize there are teachers who have gone through the regular certification process who find out they shouldn't be teachers, it seems to be effective. I know that in my classes, even in high school, the teachers with the stories from other professions and those real life experiences were way more interesting to listen to. I feel like I learned more from those stories and experiences than by just reading a textbook.

I think alot of people do not realize how hard teaching is. It takes more patience than I would have to help students everyday for nine months. I truly admire teachers for what they do.

I still think that some states may run into trouble by grabbing people that someone deemed qualified to teach without having that extra education and experience. Ideally I think that everyone who wants to teach should go through student teaching but I realize that in most situations with emergency/alternate certification they need the people to start right away.

So after all of this I think that the alternate programs are ultimately helping our school system by providing teachers with a wealth of experiences to share.

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