Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Starting to blog

I'm a little late in starting to blog.

It's Thanksgiving break and I've finally started to go through all of my interviews and pull out quotes. I feel like I have some really good stuff but I just need to put it together. The last interview I did was probably my best. Dr. Mercer is in charge of the alternate certification program at K-State and she was involved in the process of starting alternate certification in Kansas.

I started out thinking about writing about immigration and then changed to foreign teachers in the U.S. and eventually in my research I came across emergency certification in other states. I didn't realize many of the teachers in the U.S. and even in my hometown high school weren't traditionally certified to teach until I read an article about this.

I've enjoyed researching this topic and now I have to start writing the article over break. Good thing I now have time to relax and really focus on it.

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