Monday, November 29, 2010

The article is coming along

I used the time at work tonight to write some more of the article. I have about one page done and am feeling a little overwhelmed. I think I have everything I need but I feel like there is just alot of stuff to go through.

I'm going to take this one section at a time and use the quotes as a guide as well. I have some really good stuff and I feel like I covered all sides of the story. Rough drafts are due Wednesday and I feel good about having the one page written with one hyperlink as well.

Now that I have started writing I feel like this could turn into a longer piece than I originally thought. I felt like 800 words was going to kill me at the beginning of the semester with everything else but now it seems reasonable and I have everything almost done. I need to edit my sidebar and post my multimedia.

End of the semester is in sight and this week is going to be a busy one. 

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