Monday, November 29, 2010

The article is coming along

I used the time at work tonight to write some more of the article. I have about one page done and am feeling a little overwhelmed. I think I have everything I need but I feel like there is just alot of stuff to go through.

I'm going to take this one section at a time and use the quotes as a guide as well. I have some really good stuff and I feel like I covered all sides of the story. Rough drafts are due Wednesday and I feel good about having the one page written with one hyperlink as well.

Now that I have started writing I feel like this could turn into a longer piece than I originally thought. I felt like 800 words was going to kill me at the beginning of the semester with everything else but now it seems reasonable and I have everything almost done. I need to edit my sidebar and post my multimedia.

End of the semester is in sight and this week is going to be a busy one. 

Friday, November 26, 2010

Now for the article

It's Black Friday and instead of shopping with the crazy crowds I've decided to spend part of the day working on my article. I have a basic outline for what I think I want to put in, now I just need to pull out the quotes I want to use and start writing.
As I go through my interviews, I'm starting to realize I have much more material to use than I thought I would when I started out. At the beginning of the semester 800 words sounded like alot more than I could write but now it shouldn't be a problem.
There are a few interviews that I wish I would have maybe asked different questions or call them again and ask more now that I've started to write.
We'll see how much I can get done today since I'm still stuffed from yesterday.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Starting to blog

I'm a little late in starting to blog.

It's Thanksgiving break and I've finally started to go through all of my interviews and pull out quotes. I feel like I have some really good stuff but I just need to put it together. The last interview I did was probably my best. Dr. Mercer is in charge of the alternate certification program at K-State and she was involved in the process of starting alternate certification in Kansas.

I started out thinking about writing about immigration and then changed to foreign teachers in the U.S. and eventually in my research I came across emergency certification in other states. I didn't realize many of the teachers in the U.S. and even in my hometown high school weren't traditionally certified to teach until I read an article about this.

I've enjoyed researching this topic and now I have to start writing the article over break. Good thing I now have time to relax and really focus on it.