Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Portfolio Work

It's been a while since I have updated this and this is because I have been working for Lifetouch and haven't been shooting as much as I would like. I'm sure I will update with some work from Lifetouch later on but for now here are some of my favorites from my professional photojournalism portfolio.

 I love the lighting in this picture. This was taken at the K-State Drag Show last year. I jumped on stage and shot from the corner of the stage, giving me a different view of the performers.

 I snapped this picture at the NCAA tournament last spring in Tuscon, AZ. One of the opposing team's members was injured and I was next to where they were cleaning him up. I just looked over and saw blood running down his face and remembered my adviser telling me that some of the best sport photos aren't of the action on the court.

 This was part of the engineering departments displays at the K-State Open House last April. Campus was full of activities and displays for prospective students, current students and community members to explore. This kid was having a blast playing with the sprinklers.

 This is Mariah Charland. She was an amazing women to shoot. She doesn't have kidneys and has to undergo dialysis every night for nine hours. I did my final photo story on her for a class. She still attends classes and is part of a sorority, she is perfectly normal and was even a member of the K-State Equestrian team. It was a great opportunity to be able to share her story through photography.

K-State's Black Student Union hosted a step show in the Union last year. I was shooting on the ground next to them and almost got stepped on several times and the lighting was difficult with the mirrors on the ceiling but I liked the symmetry in shot and the effects my speedlight had on the ceiling.