Tuesday, February 15, 2011

K-State vs KU

I shot the KSU vs KU game for the Royal Purple last night and it was insane. The crowd for the entire game was loud and crazy and all the players played an amazing game. It was the first time I used my new camera to shoot sports and I was so happy with it, I got some good shots.

Drag Show

I attended the 3rd annual K-State Drag Show last Saturday night. I originally went just to go with my roommates but as usual ended up shooting for the newspaper. I got some great shots though.


Last week, the K-State Collegian was going to run a story about stereotypes. The story was supposed to be about how stereotypes do not fit and how they came to be. The story ended up being full of incorrect statistics and had an overall feeling of racism toward it. The managing editor and lead designer for the night decided to hold it and have the writer redo it. I took a picture to go with the story and I think it accurately sums up the story.

The girls in the photo wrote something about themselves that people wouldn't know by just looking at them. It was a photo illustration that never ran because the writer has not rewritten his story yet.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011


I used this blog for my Computer Assisted Reporting class last semester to talk about how I was doing with writing and researching a story. This semester I am in Convergence Reporting and I will be using it to talk about this class.